Rare and perfect bows
Pls can you PC following bows?
1 - Sundering Amber Longbow of Fortitude req 8, +5nrg, 20/20, +30HP
2 - Sundering Zodiac Longbow of Fortitude req 9, +14%^50, 20/20, +30HP
3 - Sundering Zodiac Longbow of Fortitude req 9, +14%-10(attacking), 20/20, +30HP
4 - Sundering Shadow Bow of Fortitude req 8, +15%(stance), 20/20, +30HP
5 - Sundering Skull Hornbow of Fortitude req 10, inscr. 15^50, 20/20, +30HP
6 - Sundering Vabbian Longbow of Fortitude req 9, inscr. 15^50, 20/20, +30HP
7 - Sundering Platinum Longbow of Fortitude req 8, +14%(stance), 20/20, +30HP
8 - Sundering Shadow Bow of Fortitude req 8, +15%(stance), 20/20, +30HP
9 - Sundering Feathered Longbow of Fortitude, req 11, inscr. 15^50, 20/20, +30HP
Thx a lot for your time gurus